These are the blue prints that control the main character Marcus Fenix. Started with a simple code in C++ and worked off it in blue print. The Animation graph controls when a statement is true or false and that in turn controls characters state machine. The blendspace controls the transitions from idle to walk to run based upon speed and direction. The death animation is randomly selected from a group.


This is the blue print that i built all the weapons in the game off of. The triggers set the when to fire and when to stop as well as adjustable RPS. The Fire Spawns the bullet and plays the firing sound.

I set up the HUD by creating a UMG Widget. The health was done by creating a progress bar and tying that to Marcus' health. The score is kept by adding points by counting how many enemies and what type have been 

The Boomer enemy was one of the most fun to make because of it's loud call of boom before firing. The way I achieved this by adding a pawn sensing cone and made it so when Marcus was in the cone it would play the BOOM audio clip, delay for a second and than fire.

To get the Seeder to spawn the Nemacyst's I used a Spawn actor at location and used a hidden arrow component as the spawn point. I set the spawn delay to match the animation.